Keerthi Yalamanchili ’17 EE Asst. News Editor March 1st was filled with heated debates, Senate and House hearings and battles over proposed bills as the newly initiated Trumbull chapter of Model Congress…
Month: April 2014
Students’ Backlash Against Compulsion (SBAC)
Alison Kuznitz ’15 EE Senior Opinions Editor On the first day of SBAC, April 3, 2014, Principal Marc Guarino called for an emergency meeting with members of student council, the NHS, and…
Student Honored with First-ever Dramatist Award
Rachel Tropp ’16 EE Entertainment Editor Larissa Mark, president of the THeSpian’s club, received the DLDF Defender Award from the Dramatists Guild for her efforts to bring RENT: School Edition to the…
New Changes to America’s Favorite Test
Brittany Kubicko ’15 EE Managing Editor Attention Trumbull High students: the SATs are changing, and it looks like these changes are going to be huge for your future. Currently the test consists of…
Beware the Ides of March: 2014 NCAA Tournament Thrills
Tommy Switzgable ‘15 EE Staff Writer Kevin Pacelli ‘14 EE Co-Editor-in-Chief It’s that time of year again: that month-and-a-half between the Super Bowl and Opening Day. Sports fans around this time crave…
No Day But Today: THS Thespians Leave Lasting Impression on Community
Kevin Pacelli ’14 Co-Editor in Chief For the THS Thespians, saying that the road to performing Rent was a long one would be a vast understatement. Faced with controversy and pressed for…