Jude Magnotti ‘26
EE Co-Managing Editor
Last Monday, November 4th, every Junior at Trumbull High got on their dancing shoes and boogied on out to the Waterview Hotel in Monroe.
Held in the hotel’s grand ballroom, the dance consisted of over 50 helpers and staff, hundreds of students, and, of course, the many unfortunate faculty members charged with chaperoning over the throngs of screaming teenagers.
Despite the several heart aches caused by an overflow of Shirley temples, and the expected complete loss of any and all hearing courtesy of the loudspeakers, students still found a way to enjoy themselves in what proved to be a very special night.
Before the dance, students gathered at each other’s houses dressed up in their very best duds intent on looking their best for their social media followers and the adoring mob of parents taking the pictures. After a few pre-game appetizers, photos, and drinks, students hopped in their cars and drove to the Waterview looking like a syndicate of villains out of a James Bond movie.
During the actual dance, attendees were treated to a meal of chicken, mashed potatoes, among other delicacies which they would then proceed to work off in the 2 hours of dancing that ensued. The hotel also very graciously served dessert of chocolate and vanilla ice cream to cool off the sweaty band of adolescents after the first wave of fun.
The DJ played dance hits such as Dancing Queen by ABBA, Not Like Us by Kendrick Lamar, and then Die With A Smile by Bruno Mars to finish the festivities off. While some students stayed confined to the corner for most of the event, a massive mosh pit of students formed in front of the DJ table rocking the entire hotel as they jumped up and down.
As is typical of any dance, romance was in the air as students and their dates enjoyed dinner, dessert, and a slow dance together as the less fortunate ones without dates watched in envy from the wall.
Needless to say, this year’s Cotillion had everything that makes a dance great: slightly below average hotel food, deaf chaperones, and a mosh pit of sweaty teenagers all screaming and dancing at once. Seeing as the class of 2026 won’t have another dance until senior prom in 2026, every junior made sure to make this the time of their lives. After all, you only go through high school once, make sure you’re not the one who wastes it!