Jude Magnotti ‘26
EE Co-Managing Editor
I think that every Holiday enjoyer can agree, few things go better together than a fire, a warm cup of hot chocolate, and a heart-melting Christmas classic to get you into that yuletide spirit.
With Christmas right around the corner, it’s time we start diving into all of our favorite holiday films that we have come to revisit year after year. Unlike traditional movies, Christmas films hold a unique place in our hearts in that way that we are bound to re-watch them every time that holiday season rolls around.
Whether it is A Christmas Story, or Scrooged, or even Die Hard, each one has found its way into the nostalgic memories of every merry fellow. With that being said, a few films, in particular, have always seemed to capture the magic of the holiday season in a way few others have ever been able to do.
Today, we are going to be counting down those films from the comedies, to the dramas, to the flat out masterpieces. First and foremost I should say it is impossible to include every phenomenal Christmas movie on this list. Afterall, it is only 10 titles out of 1,000’s of projects. Still, I would like to give a shout out to the honorable mentions that just missed the cut for my top ten: Emmet Otters Jug-Band Christmas, Love Actually, A Christmas Story, Scrooged, and Die Hard. Now, without further ado, let’s dive straight in to the top ten.
# 10: Home Alone. Claiming the first spot on the list we have the ever-so-iconic Home Alone. This film earns a place here not just for its hilarious slapstick comedy and fabulous performances from Joe Pesci and Macaulay Culkin, but for its enduring legacy as being one of the most iconic Christmas movies ever made. While I would agree that it is slightly overrated, seeing Harry and Marv bumble and fall to an annoying little 11 year old never fails to make me laugh. Whether you hate it or love it, you can’t deny the undeniable impact that this movie has had and will have on Christmas for years to come.
# 9: The Year Without A Santa Claus. Now, this film may sound foreign at first, but once you hear that good old Snow Miser tune I think all the memories will start flooding back. Released in 1974, this short chronicles the hilarious journeys of two elves trying to save Christmas after Santa Claus falls ill. Inevitably, chaos and calamity ensue as the two get caught up with ice gods, fire devils, and even MOTHER NATURE HERSELF. For the real ones, you know what this film is about. If you don’t, then I would highly recommend you check it for yourself at your next holiday viewing.
# 8: Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer (1964 Version.) Ah, has there ever been a more timeless Christmas tale than that of the Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer? If the original story had not already been perfected enough, this film takes Rudolph’s story to another level as he undergoes immense change and character development all while fighting snow monsters at every turn. With the introduction of new characters like Hermey, The Abominable Snow Man, and my personal favorite Yukon Cornelius, this film never fails to disappoint no matter how many times I watch it.
# 7: How The Grinch Stole Christmas (1966.) While it certainly feels a bit CRIMINAL to leave such an iconic film so low, the most impressive thing about this project is not its iconic image, but how well it holds up even today. For as hashed out and re-done as the Grinch’s story is, nothing has ever captured quite the same mystique as the original version. The roller coasting journey you experience as you go from hating the Grinch at the beginning to rooting for his redemption at the end (despite his animal rights abuses) is exhilarating and I would dare even say that it might just be the most iconic Christmas tale of them all (aside from Rudolph.)
# 6: A Nightmare Before Christmas. This masterpiece needs no explanation.
# 5: National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Now moving on to the top 5 and my personal favorite Christmas comedy, we have quite possibly the funniest Christmas movie ever made. If Chevy Chase and a cast of fellow stars such as John Galecki and Beverly D’Angelo was not enough, this film features some of the best comedy writing you will see from any movie PERIOD. Despite some of the somewhat mature content featured in it, Christmas Vacation has remained a reliable classic for families to sit down and have a good laugh to every holiday season. Just remember, don’t invite any crazy redneck Uncles to Christmas dinner!
# 4: Elf. Coming up the rear with my second favorite Christmas comedy, we have the encapsulating performance of Will Ferrell as Buddy The Elf! Serving as both Will Ferrell’s breakout acting and Jon Favarus’ breakout directing roles, Elf has found its way into the Christmas rotation of almost every family in America. With incredible performances such as James Caan as Walter Hobbs and Zooey Deschanel as Jovie (not to mention some of the great line and joker delivery of all time from Will Ferrel) Elf‘s placement in the top 5 needs no further explanation and now let me introduce to you to the holy trinity of Christmas films
# 3: A Charlie Brown Christmas. Yes. Fight Me
# 2: A Muppets Christmas Carol. It would not be a Christmas film list without the iconic story of Charles Dickens “A Christmas Carol”. While there are certainly other interpretations of the story, A Muppet’s Christmas Carol has always managed to warm my heart in a way different from any other Christmas film. There is nowhere I would rather be than palling around with Kermit and the gang on Christmas eve.
# 1: It’s A Wonderful Life. As always, you must save the best and taking the number 1 spot is undeniably the greatest Christmas film ever made, It’s A Wonderful Life. For every movie, every project, every bit of media relating to Christmas, NOTHING has ever managed to surpass the greatness of the incredible story of George Bailey. Nothing ever has, and as invariably true as it has been for the past 80 years, nothing ever will.