Kate Booth ’27
EE Staff Writer
In the beginning of the year, everyone always says they’re going to stick with their goals, which is very hard to do. Many people say they are going to go to the gym everyday or eat healthy or read everyday. Many of these goals are left behind in the first week of January.
Staying consistent with your goals is very important because that is the only way the goals will be achieved. Here are a couple tips to make it easier to stick with your goals.
First, set realistic goals. Setting unrealistic goals is not a good thing to do because why set the goal when you know you’re unable to achieve it? Don’t set some crazy goal that is literally impossible for you to achieve for whatever reason.
Next, don’t make your goals too hard. The point of setting goals is to achieve them. So make it easy on yourself, and set goals that are able to be done and you actually enjoy doing them everyday.
Make a plan. Write down the resolution, and the plan you will take to achieve it and stay consistent with it throughout the year. If you know exactly what to do to be successful, it is more likely the goal will be achieved.
Find a partner to consistently work towards this goal with. Doing it with someone else makes it more fun and enjoyable.
Be patient! Goals are not going to achieve themselves overnight. It takes 21 days to make a habit so it will take a while, but that’s why it’s important to be consistent. Results will only be seen or felt when you are consistent.
“Keep your eyes on the prize.” Stay determined and remember why you wanted to do this and what will happen, and how you will feel when you are successful.
Make the goal fun! Make sure it is something that is enjoyable and not miserable. No one wants to wake up everyday and have to do something miserable just because they said they would. Do things you enjoy.