Ananya Mayekar ‘28
EE Staff Writer
The year of 2025 is expected to have a tremendous effect on the lives of numerous people on Earth. Every year is seen as a fresh start on Earth and a time of new revolutionary discoveries to be created for the better of human beings. There are many predictions being made about how this year and the future will be, hoping to create a new life in which will be drastically different from the past years. Over the years, we have introduced numerous changes in our lifestyle from the 1900s to the new year of 2025, such as advancements in technology, increased economy, medication, and even fashion sense! Just like these past years, we are expecting more to come in the future, and will start this new aspect of life on Earth in 2025.
One of the main predictions that is expected to happen is the development of artificial intelligence (AI) software. As humans know, AI is used almost everywhere in the world, such as in cars, satellites, and waiters in restaurants. It is still an unknown piece of science that is expected to grow tremendously over the years on Earth, and will undoubtedly have a big impact on people living in the future. This advancement will probably help in education, healthcare, and communication services. AI could be used to help students learn and pave the way for career paths of thousands of young children, while it could also provide context of helping to discover many cures of diseases like cancer or in the context of the field of biotechnology and medicine in general. Artificial intelligence is already incorporated in services like Siri, Alexa, and websites like Chat GPT to give you the context of ideas you need help with, but is predicted to advance in the communication and understanding of others to technology that will be useful in the upcoming future.
Our new upcoming president, Donald Trump, is also expecting great advancements in the world of politics with the relationships between other countries and the US economy. Trump’s new global financial system is looking to “blow up” the dollar and find alternatives for this to seem “techy” in the new world. He is also looking to strengthen many alliances with America and will try to end the raging war between Ukraine and Russia. This is predicted to happen, but if it does happen, this threat of trade war could decrease the relations with numerous allies of the US and increase global tension.
With these promises being made, it is also well known that Apple is one of the biggest companies that play a tremendous role in the increasing economy of America, but new advancements in technology could decrease this. A new company named Nvidia is creating revolutionary AI chips that are seen to provide a big impact on the development of AI in the near future, and this development will probably outgrow Apple’s size and become the most profitable company that the world has ever seen.
Electric cars are becoming even more popular over the years as well, and their use has definitely increased during the year of 2024. Many are looking to see a growth in many citizens to start purchasing electric vehicles due to their numerous benefits, since no gas is needed to power them, able to charge at home, cheaper fuel, require low maintenance, and their motors are more durable than ever. This expected change in cars is looking to become more known in 2025 since their looks seem more futuristic and will somehow be the start of “flying cars,” as some say.
Therefore, we are looking forward to the big advancements in many fields being made in 2025 and the upcoming future, and we will be excited if these wild predictions will actually come to life. As seen, it is mainly predicted that new prospects of AI will be discovered, the economy of the US and other countries will increase, the new US president will be supporting the well being of the US and other allies in the future, and electric cars will become more in use. The year of 2025 will begin a new revolution of life that others will have never seen before, and will hopefully be more positive during the journey.